Poem 25

UFO's - Wheels

Why the denying? Why the doubt?
There's UFO's all about
So fast, so interesting, frightening us all
Bouncing and flying as fast as a ball

They're eerie and mystifying, but beautiful too
Everyone is wondering what they're coming to to do
To live on our planet or take us to their's
To figure it out could take us many hours

Why not go to the book that tells it all
From the beginning of earth which is not round like a ball
The earth has four corners, this book tells you so
And if you keep reading, it tells even more

Solomon tells there's nothing new under the sun
And if you keep learning, it becomes lots of fun
So learn of these fast things called UFO
From the verses of the Bible as told by those who know

Pick up your Bible and start at the first
Watch as you're reading the words of each verse
You'll learn of their pilots, if the are friends or foes
Will they bring us happiness or many woes

Ezekiel will tell you, Habakkuk, Isaiah, and others join in
Of the things you will learn there won't come an end
Flashing their colors and making their curves
Beaming their bright lights, stirring up nerves

If you talk to your neighbors and tell what you learn
If you convince them, they'll agree there's cause for concern
Be a friend to God and do his earth no harm
The wheels flying over should cause you no alarm

by Mary M Phillips

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